Quick update!

Hi everyone!

I’m sorry I haven’t been up to date on my nail challenge in the last week. I just started a new job, working at Sephora! (How exciting, right?!) I’ll try and get back into it as soon as possible. I just wanted to say thanks to all my readers, and I’ll have more posts up soon! We are having a Halloween party tonight (and because it’s also my birthday today!) What are you guys dressing up as? Hopefully I’ll have some pictures up for you guys in the next couple days!

Have a lovely weekend!


31 Day nail challenge-Day 24

Inspired by a book! I went with Harry Potter, even though it has been done quite a bit. It’s hard not to love Harry Potter, especially the books. I remember when I was in grade 7, my teacher was from England and he had brought the first book in the series to read to us. This was before it got crazy in North America. If you’ve never read the series, you totally should. For this mani, I used Toast from Wet n Wild, Forest by JoeFresh, Gold Accessory by Maybelline, Black Out from Wet n Wild, Yellow Umbrella from Sephora, Red Red from Wet n Wild, Let’s Get Lost by Essence, and a black striping polish to do the lightning bolt. I really like how this turned out! (The green on my pinky looks black in the photo, unfortunately, but in person it looks great, I swear!) 

31 Day nail challenge-Day 23!

I really had to think this one through. Search through Google images, really take note of the colours and the imagery. I didn’t pick just any movie. I went with my favourite movie. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! (Probably a good idea since I know it so well.) This was a pretty fun mani to do and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. Each nail represents a vital part of the movie, in my opinion. I’m not even going to list all the colours I used because there’s too many and I also needed to mix polishes together to get the right colour. I will give you the breakdown of what is on each nail.

Pointer finger-Willy Wonka’s top hat. Middle Finger-Oompa Loompa. Ring Finger-Golden Ticket. Pinky Finger-Lollipop.

My thumb was my favourite nail to do because I think it looks most like what it’s supposed to represent. Here’s a still from the movie along with my thumbnail.

31 Day nail challenge-Day 21!

The mani today was pretty much a no-brainer. Inspired by a colour. Obviously I went with my favourite colour. PINK! I did a little bit of a glitter gradient to fancy it up a little. The polishes I used are both from Essie. The glitter is A Cut Above and the base is Mod Squared. I really like how this turned out. 

The photo makes the base colour look a bit more purple than it really is. In person it is much more straight bright pink.

31 Day nail challenge-Day 19!

This one was fun. I will admit, however, I did this a while ago, before I even started my blog. It still follows the rules(doesn’t it?). The thing about doing galaxy nails, is that it doesn’t have to be uniform, at all. While there are about a billion tutorials on how to do them, I used it more as a guideline. I’m not quite sure of the polishes I used, but again, not a big deal. Use what you have and what you like. 

31 day nail challenge-Day 18!

Today’s mani was fun and easy. It looks much more involved than it really is. For this mani, you really only need 3 things. 2 polishes and reinforcements. Yes, those round, white things you used in school. Paint your nail the colour that you want your little half moon to be, then let it dry. Once it’s dry, put the reinforcements at the bottom of the nail, making sure there’s no gaps along the edges. Then, paint the top portion of your nail with the 2nd colour, just above the reinforcement. Peel it off carefully, let it dry, and apply a top coat. Super easy, super pretty! I used Toast from Wet n  Wild and Hunter from Joe Fresh. 

31 Day nail challenge-Day 17!

Glitter! I love it. A lot. Who doesn’t though? For today’s mani, I went a bit understated with the glitter. (Hard to believe, I know). I used 2 coats of 212-Sephora from Sephora by OPI. The base colour is a blackened greenish-brown. There’s flakies, which I think can be considered glitter. There’s also very fine round holographic glitter, which is not so noticeable on the nail, but it’s still there. I really love this polish and it might be in my top 10. ( 10 because, really, let’s be real) 

Also, I just started working at Sephora, so expect to hear all about it in upcoming posts! Thanks for reading!

31 Day nail challenge-Day 16!

Tribal! This one was much more fun than the last one. I basically *tried* to copy this tutorial, and it turned out alright. It was a little more messy than the tutorial, but it was fun. The tutorial says you need acrylic paint, but I just used regular polish and it obviously worked just fine. I used Sally Hansen White On, a black striping polish from KISS, “Baby” Blue from Nicole by OPI, a raspberry coloured polish also from Nicole by OPI, and Black Out from Sally Hansen.